Flower Bouquet Subscription
Flowers should be a regular thing not only just a "special occasion thing" The combination of freshness, beauty, and aroma of flowers are said to increase your happiness an uplift your mood. Get weekly flowers from Bloomz Flower Farm with our popular flower bouquet subscription program.
Bloomz Flower Farm offers a Flower Bouquet Subscription starting June 6th and running through September 5th. Members sign up and pay ahead to receive weekly, or twice monthly flower bouquets. Flowers are harvested fresh and arranged into bouquets in mason jars. it is a perfect gift for yourself or others as all the guess work of arranging is already done for you. Keep your flowers in the mason jar or transfer to your favorite vase. We provide these fresh flowers in clean water with flower food so that they last at least a week and many times up to two weeks! Flower bouquets are delivered for pickup up at Severino Cellars in Zillah. (vases are asked to be returned each week)
Want Flowers?
Weekly (14 weeks)
With a weekly subscription members will receive a flower arrangement every week starting June 6th and ending September 5th. Bouquets will be delivered to Severino Cellars on 1st Ave in Zillah.
Twice a Month (7 weeks)
Members will receive a flower arrangement every other week on the odd weeks starting on June 6th and ending September 5th. Bouquets will be delivered to Severino Cellars on 1st Ave in Zillah.
Don’t have the form? Click on this picture to download the form so you can print it yourself! Fill it out and bring it to Sara when you see her again!
dahLIAs (5 weeks)
Enjoy 5 weeks of the most eye catching flowers grown at Bloomz Flower Farm. Each week (Sept. 13 - Oct. 11) you will recieve 12-15 Dahlia stems delivered to Severino Cellars on 1st Ave in Zillah.